Sunday, February 10, 2008

Underground Church

Our Kids like to play pretend down in the basement. They have turned that space into an Orphanage, an Animal Rescue Center, a Book Store and this week they decided to make it a Church. They have been preparing for the last few days and last night asked David if we could stay home on Sunday morning so they could lead a Church service for our family. With enthusiasm like that we decided not to deny them. So this morning we headed down to the basement.

Josiah welcomed the "Congregation" and opened in prayer.
Siri was the Worship Leader. She used a CD. Josiah got up and introduced each song and then she would lead the singing. They used the story of Danniel in the Lions Den so all the songs came from a CD that told that story.
Here we are... The "Congregation". It was actually awesome the way that God used our children and their version of a Bible story to minister his truth to us. Being as that the windchill this morning was 40 below zero and the basement is the coldest spot in the house, we ended up all bundled up in the dress up clothes that the kids have stored down there. I am sure it was quite a sight with David wearing a Jedi cape as he worshiped our Lord and I had on the Knights cape. Of course I had Jonah to keep me warm too.
After the singing, Josiah read from a children's book about Daniel.

He then read from 1 John 4:18 and Epesians 6:11 and shared about how God helps us not to be afraid and about putting on all of God's armor so we can stand against the Devil's plans. Then he closed us in Prayer. It was so neat to see our Son leading our family in worship and prayer.

I want to share that part of what inspired them to this end was a video series that my Mom bought for the Kids. It is called LIKEN the Scriptures. Here is the link for their website.. They are theatrical, musical versions of the Bible stories. My kids love them! They are really well done and it is refreshing to see it done for children with live actors instead of animated. The music is wonderful too. Josiah is already plannng to preach on David and Goliath next week. I highly recomend them the next time you are in the markent for Bible Story DVDs.