Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I Am From

I found this poem on some one elses blog about childhood memories along with the form so that you could write your own. I enjoyed hers so much that I decided to do my own. It was really easy and fun to do. So here is mine. Enjoy it and then go write your own. (I want my parents to do one so we can save it for our kids... Ok Mom)

I Am From
I am from big yellow station wagons with no seatbelts, from banana seat bikes and big hair and bell bottoms.

I am from the house on the corner with the swimming pool and diving board and the smell of horses.

I am from giant Willow trees that sway in the wind and fishing at Spring Lake in the early morning fog.

I am from Family dinners every night and listening to phone calls in Spanish on Sundays, from Albert and Johnda and Sara and Louis and Johanna and Marco and a Frenchman somewhere.

I am from secret meetings at dawn in the café by the river and afternoons spent down at the creek with tadpoles and rope swings.

From “Yes, you have to eat all your Butternut squash” and “Don’t you ma’am me, I’m your mother.”

I am from Church in a gym or a cafeteria or a park with lots of room for dancing. From laughter and tears and big families with big voices. From no lock on the doors and no keys to be found.

I am from a cabin in the woods and Mexico and Spain and Germany and a wood pile somewhere. From brown rice and chocolate cookies and hoagies on birthdays.

From summers in Yosemite with the bears that ate our food and from road trips and roller coasters and picnics and parties.

I am from faded pictures of long beards and beads. From Polaroids and pencil drawings and Grandparents on the walls.

I am from a place where the hungry were fed, the thirsty were given drink and the lonely could join the family.... for a day… for a season or for the rest of your life.