Monday, February 18, 2008

Jonah Without Autism

Today, the kids were feeling much better. Sara~Ashley spent most of the day coloring pictures. She is getting really good at it and she enjoys it so much. She drew a really fun picture of all the kids outside sledding

There is Josiah, Siri & Jonah as well as their friends Joshua and Hannah.

My favorite part was when she was describing everyone and she pointed to this part and said "This is Jonah without autism. See how he is playing with us." What an exciting thought. We are praying that this will, someday be a reality. We love our little Jonah so much just the way he is but we are also looking forward to who he will be when God heals him and reveals all he is inside that we don't yet see. When you think of him, would you say a prayer with us for God's best in his life and for wisdom to guide him into all that he is destined to be.