Monday, February 04, 2008


(The spell check isn't working and I can't get the pictures where I want them but I am just going to publish this post anyway so I can go to bed.)

Today was my Birthday! I am 38 years old. In all fairness to my husband I figured I better put some old embarassing pictures of myself up on the blog. If you don't know of what I speak, please see this post. So here are a few I came up with.... Enjoy

Here is me at about 2 years old visiting my grandma in Kentucky.

Next Is my amazing mom with her 5 kids in a convertable... yes we all really drove around it that.

Me at about 14 years old with my mom.

Traveling in Japan at about 23 years old.

Here is me while I was pregnant with Siri... and can you believe that I still had another month to go. Good thing my little Josiah was so light. Oh, now this is a good one. Here is Samantha and I about 7 years ago after I talked her into us getting our hair cut really short. As you can see it looked nothing like the magazine picture we were hoping for. After shedding a few tears and a few laughs.... I found out I was pregnant and gained 50 lbs. That was the year that God was dealing with my vanity!
Lets fast forward to today. A few of my friends took me out for a lovely Afternoon Tea at the Mad Hatter Tea Room in Anoka. (Hats are provided but not required)

Sara, Lisa and Deanna joined me and we had a wonderful time.
They made me feel so special and loved... And we just sat and talked for hours.

Then it was home to my waiting children with Birthday signs and cards and presents. It was so exciting.
They always get me the funniest cards and the most thoughtful presents.
Here we are laughing at the card from Jonah and David. It was one of those musical ones that sing when you open it. This one belted out the song "I Will Survive".

I got an expresso maker so I can make my own Lattes. I also got a Coffee gift card and a cirtificate for a Spa Pecicure along with some thoughtfull gifts from Friends and Family.
We went to Applebees for dinner so I wouldn't have to cook. It was a fun and relaxing day. I just LOVE Birthdays!