Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Rain

With the rain of Spring upon us, the gloomy days tempt us to be gloomy ourselves. So this morning we pushed back a little with a lovely Nature Walk. The woods around our home have come alive with birds and bugs, moss and mushrooms, and the trees are starting to awaken from their slumber with tiny buds.We brought back our rugged treasures in cardboard boxes and got busy with our creative work.We each worked on our own arrangements.. a twig here, a rock there, all tucked into a bed of moss.
Each creation had it's own personality, taking on that of it's maker, but beautifully reminding us of the Creator of all.
We were actually quite proud of the finished product, and even took one to a friend as a gift.

I will send you rain in it's season, and the ground will yield it's crops and the trees of the field, their fruit. Lev.26:4