We are camping overnight and have more adventures waiting for us tomorrow. Stay tuned for more as Minnesota Adventures explores the country.
I thought it good to declare the signs and wonders that the Most High God has worked for me. Daniel 4:2
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Summer Road Trip
Hello to all our friends from South Dakota! The first stop on our summer road trip.
We started our adventure yesterday morning by packing up our rented RV. The kids were so excited and ready to start our journey
We made it to Mitchell, South Dakota last night and started off early this morning. Here is David and the kids at our first rest stop.
They are having fun with the co-pilot job. Josiah loves to narrate the tour and point out passing interest on the road... such as... cows, and cows, oh and look, more cows!
We arrived at the 1880's town and took the hour long tour looking at all the old building and interesting stuff.
It was raining and a little cold so we really had to work at staying out of the mud.
David and I enjoyed looking at the movie set museum from Dances With Wolves. Then we loaded everyone back into the RV and headed to the Badlands.
One of the first signs we saw said "Beware of Rattlesnakes" The kids took this warning quite seriously and nearly missed the awesomeness of the view because there were looking for rattlesnakes the whole time.
Here is Josiah pointing out some possible snake holes!
It was an amazing view though and was a reminder of how creative our God is! I really enjoyed watching the terrain change. Driving through Minnesota was mostly flat farmland. When we got to South Dakota, it changes to beautiful rolling hills... with lots of Cows... Oh, did I mention that already. Anyway on to...
Mount Rushmore!
Josiah, Siri and I made the walk up to the monument while Jonah slept and Dad stayed with him in the RV. Because of the rain, it looked as though the Presidents were crying. But it was beautiful, even in the rain.
They have all the state flags there with and inscription on the marble below them. We were excited to find this one!