Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Wedding Dress

Well, I have a little story to tell you about my day. It all started a couple weeks ago with a bright idea.
"Wouldn't it be fun to be able to fit into my wedding dress for my 10 year anniversary?" So a few crash diets and a several hours on the elliptical later.... here I am in my dress.
Then I decided it would be fun to take pictures in it and make a card for my husband about how I would marry him all over again.
So, I put it on today, fixed my hair and put on some makeup. The dress is a little tighter than the first time and I kept having to re-zip it, but it worked. So I got my personal photographer.... aka my 7 year old daughter Siri, and we started shooting. We took a few in the house but the lighting wasn't great so we decided to go outside.
Never mind that it was 35 degrees out there. We were determined. Things we going fine until I got another bright idea. I thought it would be fun to take a picture of me running down the hill, looking like a carefree bride.... ok so maybe I have watched a few too many romantic movies... but this was my chance to shine. We had to do it a few times to get a decent shot.Then, on my 3rd run down the hill, the unthinkable happened..... I tripped on my dress and went tumbling! Literally, head over heals, rolling, bumping and thumping down the hill. The straps on my dress broke, my flowers were crushed and there were grass and mud stains on my beautiful wedding gown that I had saved for 10 years.
I couldn't decide weather to laugh or cry.... I wanted to do a little of both. I escaped with only a scraped up arm and a little damaged pride. But I don't think my dress will ever be wearable again... It may have been worth it though. My daughter will forever have the memory of her mother tumbling down the hill in her wedding dress. And I guess I can tell my husband about how I still fall head over heals for him.