Saturday, February 03, 2007

Wind Chill

This morning when we got up, we checked our weather page,, as we do every morning. This mornings readings listed the current temp at -14 degrees .... Did you get that? 14 degrees below zero. The "wind chill factor", which we have learned means "how cold it is really going to feel on your skin when the wind blows" is 31 degrees below zero. On the news, they were warning people that, at those temperatures, frost bite can set in after about 9-13 minutes of exposure. They also have to go around and round up the homeless people and force them into shelters or else...Well you get the idea.... The clean up would not be too much fun. So, needless to say, we are going to deny the dogs food and water today because who wants to stand around outside waiting for them to "find the right spot"....... Oh yeah, I guess that would be inhumane, we will just have to bundle up good and pray that no one turns into an ice sculpture.