Thursday, February 15, 2007

Birthday Blessings

I had a birthday last week...37!! My kids now think I am getting really old. My friend Deanna and her family brought me these beautiful flowers. They smell so nice and brighten up the winter a little.
A bunch of

my friends back home in Hawaii pitched in and bought me a bread maker as well as a bread knife, a bread slicer, some fancy bread flours and 2 gorgeous necklaces. Thanks so much Gisele, Kris, Kristi, Lillian, Penny, Trisha, and Wendy. And thanks Becky for organizing it and getting it all sent to me. Wendy also sent me a fun book and my Dad sent me a really unique clock to add to my clock collection. My mom sent me $100.00....Whoo Hoo! Samantha sent me a beautiful necklace and I also got an Aveda gift certificate from Chuck and Kathi. I also got another gift certificate for a pedicure from my friend Rachel Bruekner and her family. David and the kids got me some fun clothes from J.jill. (my favorite clothing store).

All in all, I felt so loved and blessed by everyone's thoughtfulness and generosity. I have so much love to celebrate in my life. Thank you to everyone who helped make it such a special day.... You all know how I love birthdays!!!!