Sunday, December 09, 2007

Adventures in Chicken Pox

Yes, you read that title right... we have the Chicken Pox. I have to say that it did not come as too much of a surprise when Josiah and Siri started getting it. We knew that they had been exposed..... The surprise came when David got it right along with them!So... I went out and got all the recommended stuff. Oatmeal bath, lavender oil, Sea Breeze, itch relief cream. I ending up making a mixture of all of it in a spray bottle and I am like the little running spray dispenser. The kids are hanging in there. Distraction seems to be the main strategy. Siri and I did this 300 piece puzzle yesterday. I went to the video store and got lots of stuff to watch.
Siri seems to have the worst of it. She didn't get that sick but started breaking out almost immediately and now is quite uncomfortable.Josiah and Daddy are doing really well. They got sicker in the beginning. Josiah did not break out as bad and the ones he has are not bothering him too much. David is still getting more spots so we will have to see how he does but he is not a complainer so it is hard for me to tell.
Oatmeal baths are the recommended treatment. They seem to serve more as a fun distraction than anything else but it is a treat for them to play in the "big bathtub".

As you can see by Siri's back, she is at the worst stage. Very itchy and painful. I think she should be over the hump today though and we are hoping for a better night sleep tonight.She did manage a nap this afternoon which is why I found time to write this entry.As for me.... I am a little bit frazzled but hanging in there. I am expecting that Jonah will be getting it in about 10 days or so. Here is what I have learned for maintaing my sanity....
Coffee is a necessity, getting dressed is optional and
words of sympathy are welcome.