Today I got to go to my friend Sara's house to help harvest some produce. Her in-laws have a garden with more than they can use right now so Sara invited me to pick some to bring home for our Family. It was really fun!
There were several variety's of apples. I brought enough home to make a few pies and still have lots to eat.
Here is Sara and I picking green beans. I love them raw.... and David loves them cooked so I got plenty for both.
We picked both red and gold raspberry's. We may have ate as many as we brought home. They are delicious. I had never had the golden ones before. They are just as sweet but with out the tartness of the red ones.
All told, I got pumpkins, cherry tomatoes, regular tomatoes, yellow tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, swiss chard, cabbage, green beans, raspberry's, apples and the most gigantic beets I have ever seen. I am open to suggestions on how best to eat the beets. It was fun... I only wish I would have brought the kids. The weather was a little unstable with thunder storms and such so I left them at home. But it ended up being dry while I was there.
Thanks so much Sara, for sharing the wealth of produce as well as your friendship.