Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sidewalk Chalk and other Random Thoughts

I know, we haven't posted in a while.... Not too much going on but here are a few random things....

Today we went to the lake but it turned out being pretty cold so we came home and had fun outside with sidewalk chalk and hula-hoops.

Last night we watched a fun family movie called The Astronaut Farmer. We really loved it. It is the story of a guy who built his own rocket ship and tries to go into space. I won't spoil the story for you but it is worth watching.... There is some mild language so if that if a problem with the kids... be warned. But over all it is about a family that sticks together and works to make their dreams come true.

We are getting geared up for a new home-school year. I got my bi-annual pep talk from our dear friend Trisha Lam so I am feeling more centered and inspired and ready to take this on... again. Thanks Trisha!!