Monday, June 25, 2007

Chickens & Friends

Last week, I met another homeschool mom and we exchanged numbers. She promptly called and invited us over to play and have lunch. So this morning we set off for their home. About 10 miles from ours, it was nestled in the heart of farm country. We enjoyed the drive as the kids pointed out all the barns and horses, cows and long white fences. We also enjoyed our new friends. They have 4 kids with a boy and a girl the same age as Josiah and Siri.... OH THE JOY!!! They also have CHICKENS! Their daddy breeds and shows rare and exotic chickens. Except for lunch... Which was delicious, they spent the whole time in the coops wrangling chickens. The boys would go in and get them and bring them out to the girls who pretended to be the Vet. They would check them over and doctor the wounds and administer medicine. This went on for hours. Even Jonah got in on it. I didn't thing he would want to go in but when I offered to put him in coop, he jumped at the chance. The smile on his face was a joy to see. He was so excited. He chased them around and grabbed at their feathers and I sure a few of them may need to a Veterinarian Counseling session to get over the trauma. It was such a fun day with our new friends... Here are all the pictures. Enjoy!