Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Jonah Breakfast Special

One of Jonah's favorite activities is to watch me cook. He loves it when I announce what I am adding next and then mix it up. So today, While I was in the other room folding laundry, He decided to give it a go without me. He got out the big bowl, added water, cereal, crackers and organic dried cherries (that grandma brought from California.) He then added a few pistachios, some milk and some rice crackers and mixed it up well. Then he got the bag of flour down from the top shelf of the pantry and added a cup of flour. What a mess!!! He was having so much fun creating his masterpiece that I just couldn't scold him for it. ( though I would rather he picked some cheaper ingredients) I am not sure what to do with it now..... maybe if I throw it outside, the squirrels will eat it. That would be a nice a spring time treat for them!